Clark County Indiana Auditor's Office



Clark County Government Center
300 Corporate Drive Suite 105 & 106
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130

The auditor, a Constitutional Office, must wear many hats. The following attempts to categorize the most important duties of the office. The auditor serves as a secretary to the board of county commissioners and the clerk to the county council. The auditor has responsibility for keeping accounts and issuing checks for the county. As a result, the board of commissioners, the council and other officials often look to the auditor for day-to-day operational assistance, information and advice. 

Coordinator of Tax Collection and Distribution

The auditor is directly responsible for preparing tax duplicates that show the value of property and taxes assessed against each taxpayer. After taxes are collected by the treasurer, the auditor distributes them to the governmental units and agencies for which they were collected. As a part of the tax function, the auditor must also prepare plats that show the ownership and assessed valuation of each parcel in each township in the county. The plats must contain information prescribed by the Department of Local Government Finance and must be kept current. 

County “Comptroller”

In keeping accounts and issuing warrants, the auditor must develop financial analysis and cash flow projections and assist with budget preparations. The auditor is the principal financial officer in county government and is defined under IC 36-2-9-2 as the fiscal officer of the county. The county auditor must also prepare and file an annual financial report with the State Board of Accounts. 

Property Tax Information

Tax Rates

Property Tax Deductions

Homestead Audit

The Clark County Auditor’s Office has partnered with a third-party vendor, Tax Management Associates (TMA) to assist with eliminating homestead fraud. Tax Management Associates will be mailing letters on Clark County Auditor’s Office letterhead to Clark County residents whose eligibility for the standard homestead deduction needs further clarification. The Clark County Auditor’s Office is working alongside TMA to ensure their high standard of customer service is maintained. Should you receive correspondence from Tax Management Associates please know it is not fraudulent and you will want to respond as requested. 

Transfer Documents

  • The Clark County Auditor’s Office is responsible for maintaining property tax maps and ownership records for the entire county. All deeds transferring property must be processed through the Auditor’s Office prior to being processed by the County Recorder.
  • Click here to view the Check List that is used when reviewing Transfer Documents.
  • Click here to view Transfer Document Fee List (Cash or Check only)
  • Auditor Endorsement Fee Ordinance 
  • Sales Disclosure Legislative Changes
  • Statute for Parcel Number on Deeds
  • Sales Disclosure Form
  • The Auditor's Office Staff does not prepare legal documents. If you are need to transfer a piece of property, it is recommended that you seek professional assistance from an Attorney or Title Company. Your deed must be prepared and notarized PRIOR to bringing it to the Auditor’s for approval.


  • After each property tax installment is due, the Treasurer’s Office prepares a list of properties that have payments in excess of the amount that was due. At this time, a notification form is sent to the Taxpayer’s mailing address that allows them to claim the overpayment.  This form must be completed and mailed to the auditor’s office with proof of payment (IC 6-1.1-26-6a). A check will NOT be issued without proof of payment.
  • Claims must be submitted within three years or monies will be considered unclaimed and will be transferred to the County General Fund (IC 6-1.1-26-6c).  

Tax Sale

  • On or before July 1 of each year, the County Treasurer shall certify to the County Auditor, a list of real property with delinquent taxes that are eligible for tax sale.
  • Any property taxes or special assessments certified to the County Auditor for collection by the County Treasurer from the prior year's spring installment or before are delinquent as determined under IC 6-1.1-37-10 or any unpaid costs from a prior tax sale (IC 6-1.1-24-1) shall be certified.  Delinquent property taxes must exceed Twenty-Five Dollars ($25).
  • The County Auditor shall maintain a list of all property eligible for sale. A tract or item of real property may not be removed from the list certified before the tax sale unless all delinquent taxes, special assessments, penalties due on the delinquency, interest, and costs directly attributable to the tax sale have been paid in full to the County Treasurer. 
  • For information regarding upcoming tax sales visit:
  • To redeem a property sold at tax sale, please contact our office.
  • Please note that redemption amounts are re-calculated daily.
  • Redemption must be in the form of cash or cashier’s check

Tax Distribution

Public Records Requests

  • If you would like to request a record from our office, you may submit a Public Records Request to our office as outlined below. Complete all fields on the Public Records Request Form. This form is to facilitate and expedite the processing of your public records request. Provide a detailed description of the documents you are requesting from the Clark County Auditor’s Office. You may submit the completed form: by mail to The Clark County Auditor’s Office, 300 Corporate Drive, Suite 106, Jeffersonville, IN 47130, email the form to, or submit the form in person at The Clark County Auditor’s Office.  Pursuant to the Indiana Access to Public Records Act (I.C. 5-14-3), our office will notify you within 7 days with the status of your written request. Please note, a response does not necessarily indicate production of the requested documents, but may be a statement advising of additional time needed to locate the document. 

Budgets and Finances

  • The Auditor’s staff and Treasurer’s office maintain separate accounting records to ensure proper use of public funds.  All claims for payment are approved by the County Commissioners, while the County Council authorizes the amount of money that can be spent by each department. 
  • Financial Responsibilities of the Auditor’s Office include:
    • Payroll for County Employees
    • Accounts Payable
    • Accounts Receivable
    • Preparation of W-2’s and 1099’s
    • Annual report and fixed assets
    • Secretary to County Commissioners and County Council
    • Official Keeper of minutes, ordinances, contracts, and bonds
    • Audit and reporting of county grants
    • Assisting with preparation of County Budget and Salary Ordinance
    • Tax Distribution 
  • The Indiana Department of Local Government Finance is responsible for ensuring property tax assessment and local government budgeting are carried out in accordance with Indiana law. The Department is charged with publishing property tax assessment rules and annually reviewing and approving the tax rates and levies of every political subdivision in the state, including all counties, cities, towns, townships, school corporations, libraries, and other entities with tax levy authority.
  • Please click here for Clark County Budget information, tax rate information and assessment information. 
  • Gateway collects and provides access to information about how taxes and other public dollars are budgeted and spent by Indiana's local units of government.

Contact the Clark County Indiana Auditor's Office

Office Hours: 8:30 - 4:30, Monday – Friday
Closed Holidays

Danny Yost, Clark County Auditor
Clark County Government Center
300 Corporate Drive Suite 106
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130

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