Adult Guardianship Program

Please complete this application to apply for a volunteer position with the Clark County Adult Guardianship Program.

Please Note: Fields noted with a (*) are required fields.
Your Name(*)
Please let us know your name.

Date of Birth(*)
/ / Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Primary Phone(*)
Invalid Input

Secondary Phone
Invalid Input

Your Email(*)
Please let us know your email address.

What is the best day/time to contact you?(*)
Invalid Input

Are you a U.S. Citizen(*)
Invalid Input

Do you have a valid driver’s license?(*)
Invalid Input

Do you have transportation available?(*)
Invalid Input


Did you graduate from high school?(*)
Invalid Input

Or did you obtain a GED?
Invalid Input

School and year graduated or received GED(*)
Invalid Input

Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony?(*)
Invalid Input

Have you ever been involved as a party in a probate court case?(*)
Invalid Input

Have you been the subject of a child abuse, domestic violence, or adult protection investigation?(*)
Invalid Input

Invalid Input

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