Clark County Indiana Coroner

The chief responsibility of the coroner is to determine the manner of death in cases involving violence, casualty, unexplained or suspicious circumstances or when the person has been found dead. {IC 36-2-14-6}

When notified of a death under any of the above circumstances, the coroner must alert and obtain the investigative assistance of the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction in the area. When the coroner determines the cause of death, the law requires the coroner to file a report of his or her findings with the local health officer. If an autopsy is necessary,the coroner must employ a qualified physician to conduct it. Additional reports of the cause of death must be filed with the clerk of the circuit court.

A county coroner, who is also a licensed physician is entitled to one-and-one-half times as much compensation as a non-physician coroner. {IC 36-2-14-15} (Generally see IC 36-2-14,for duties of the county coroner.)  

Contact the Clark County Coroner's Office

(Please Note: All Inquiries and records requests must be submitted in writing (written or email) and all office hours are by appointment only. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.)

Clark County Coroner's Office
2515 Veteran's Parkway
Jeffersonville, IN 47130

P 812.285.6282 
F 812.282.5672

Billy Scott – Clark County Coroner

Misty Carroll - Chief Deputy Coroner

Donnie Growe - Deputy Coroner


Clark County Recorder's Office

The County Recorder was one of the first offices created by the Constitution of the State of Indiana in 1816. The Recorder is elected to a 4-year term, with a 2-term limitation. It is the primary duty of the Recorder to record instruments submitted for recording and maintaining those records for perpetuity.

Recording of Deeds

The Recorder’s Office is responsible for recording the deed but you must first have it reviewed by the Assessor’s office (Room 104) and then transferred by the Auditor’s Office (Room 106) before you proceed to have it recorded in the Recorder’s Office. Please be aware there are fees collected in the Auditor’s Office and the Recorder’s Office. The Auditor’s Office only accepts cash or checks. The Recorder’s Office accepts cash, checks, or credit cards but there is a convenience fee charged by the credit card company.

Public Searches

The Recorder’s Staff will not search public records or give any legal opinions. If you know the recording information, you may request a copy from our office. Otherwise, you may come in and use one of our public access computers.

Search Online

You may search our recorded documents online. Our deed index extended back to November of 1999 and miscellaneous records November of 1999. We are planning on adding additional records to our database this year. We have partnered with Doxpop, so if you like to learn more, please click on the link below to visit their website.

Click here to begin an online search

Electronic Records Access

We are happy to announce that you may search our recorded documents online. We have partnered with Doxpop to make this a reality! Our document index extends to November 1999 for deeds and miscellaneous documents and mortgages. We are currently in the process of adding additional years to this data base.

Click here to begin an online search

Recorded Searches

The Recorder’s Staff will not search public records or give legal opinions. The Recorder’s Office records and preserves public records, including:

  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Assumed Business Names
  • Deeds
  • Liens
  • Leases
  • Military Discharges
  • Mortgages
  • Releases
  • Subdivision Plats
  • Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Filings
  • And other documents


The Clark County Recorder’s Office offers a number of services that enables customers to more quickly record and receive their documents.


As of 11/16/23 we now offer CSC, ePN, Indecomm and Simplifile.

For a nominal fee, customers can submit, track and receive your documents electronically. eRecording is a service that is available to title companies, law firms, banks and other businesses that record land documents on a regular basis.

Some of the benefits of eRecording:

  • Faster Turnaround: Hours vs days to get your documents back
  • Your e-documents beats one submitted via the mail, not to mention the cost savings for postage. Overnight shipping and delayed proceedings.
  • Fewer rejections and faster corrections. eRecording eliminates rejections for incorrect fees.

Contact one of the following companies to compare options, and begin eRecording today.

CSC® eRecording

eRecording Partners Network (ePN)



All document types including those transfer documents that circulate between Recorder, Auditor and Assessor’s Office.

Excludes plats and surveys.

Preparing Documents for Recording

Responsibilities of the Preparer or Reviewer of a Document to Be Recorded

  • All documents are required to be acknowledged or notarized with only a few exceptions. Notary should include all signatures (that must match printed names) of all parties and the words “notary public”, “State of Indiana”, the word “seal”, The name of the notary exactly as it appears on the individual’s commission certificate, the words “commission number” followed by the expiration date of the notary public’s commission.
  • Documents acknowledged or notarized out of state do not require a person’s name in the Prepared by Statement.
  • Documents acknowledged or notarized out of state do not require Social Security redaction statement. Even though they do not require the statement, they still cannot be presented for recording if they contain a Social Security number unless the number is required to be on the document by federal law (i.e., Federal Tax Lien documents, Soldier Discharge documents, Death Certificates).
  • This means that all deeds, mortgages, assignments and releases, miscellaneous and over-sized documents that are executed or acknowledged in Indiana, unless specifically exempted, must have the Affirmation statement on them, in addition to the prepared by statement and name at the conclusion of the document.
  • Any document that must by statute have a prepared by statement must also have the affirmation statement listed in IC 36-2-11-15(d). Typed exactly as quoted in the statute, “I affirm, under the penalties of perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social Security number on the document, unless required by State and or Federal Law.
  • The exception to the requirement is federal tax liens documents, judgements, orders of writs of the court, wills, death certificates, Uniform Commercial Code Documents and any instruments executed before July 1, 1959 and documents prepared or acknowledged outside the State of Indiana. The name can be typed. Printed or can be a signature.
  • Anyone who submits a document with the affirmation statement and without redacting a Social Security number commits perjury.
  • If the document involves real estate, a legal description is required. If a document involves personal property, a list of that personal property and its location may be required.
  • Documents are returned to the entity who presented the documents for recording after they have been through the archival process. (IC 36-2-11-7)

Reasons for Rejection

There are several reasons your document might have been rejected:

  • All documents must be legible.
  • Names not appearing the same throughout the document. Name of each person who executed the instrument appears identically in the body of the instrument, in the acknowledgement or jurat, in his signature, and beneath his signature. IC 36-2-11-16.
  • Names not typed or printed identically beneath the signatures.
  • Prepared by statement missing. Name of the person that prepared the document missing.
  • Designation of address of the grantee is missing on the deed. (Example: “Grantee’s address is …”).
  • Incorrect recording fees.
  • Recording checks must be made payable to the Clark County Recorder.
  • Name of company and/or title of officer missing a signature.
  • Cross reference number (or book and page number) to original document missing or incorrect.
  • Signature missing or is not an original signature.
  • Legal description is missing or incomplete.
  • Recorded instrument number of a Power of Attorney must be listed on a document that is being recorded and signed by an attorney-in-fact.
  • Notary information missing or incomplete. (New notary stamp requirements IC 33-42-10-2)
  • Real estate is not in Clark County.
  • Auditor’s stamp missing. Only required on certain documents types. See recording requirements

Recorded Document Types

  • Affidavits
  • Partial Release
  • Assignments
  • Bonds
  • Contracts
  • Court documents
  • Covenants
  • Deeds
  • Easements
  • Environmental Disclosures
  • Federal Tax Lien’s
  • Federal Tax Lien Release
  • Lien’s 
  • Mechanic’s Lien’s
  • Mechanic’s Lien Release
  • Military Discharge (DD214)
  • Miscellaneous Documents 
  • Mortgages
  • Mortgage Release
  • Plats
  • Power of Attorney
  • Pre-Lien Agreement
  • Releases
  • Sewer Lien’s
  • Sewer Lien Release
  • State Highway Right of Way
  • Surveys
  • Trust
  • Underground Utility

Equity Protect Property Fraud Awareness

Here in Clark County, we want to be sure those citizens who are most vulnerable to real estate fraud have access to real protection services. The Clark County Recorder’s Office has partnered with Equity Protect with CSI to allow property owners the opportunity to obtain a free report showing their risk level for property fraud. The report will break down the risk into four categories: low, medium, medium-high, or high. After reviewing the results, the property owner will then have the option to decide if they would like to sign-up for a paid service offering fraud prevention and monitoring. As an alternative, the Recorder’s Office is excited to offer two free monitoring services. Doxpop can send an e-mail when a document has been recorded in Clark County Recorder’s Office with specific criteria such as legal description or name while similarly Equity Protect has the free service and the option for additional protection. The choice is yours, we are pleased to offer a variety of options to our constituents.

Click here for more information on Equity Protect

Doxpop Property Watch

Doxpop Property Watch is a free service for residents of Clark County. Upon accessing the site, it will guide the user straight through a few simple steps to get set up. It will collect information regarding the name and legal description of the property, and send the user an email when a filing is made in the Recorder’s Office that matches that data. If you own multiple properties in the county, you can register each one.

Please be aware this service will not prevent a fraudulent transfer of real estate. It’s merely notifies a person when a document has been recorded in our office meeting the specified criteria. It’s up to the owner to obtain legal council if it is not something they have initiated. In addition, our deed records are indexed back to November of 1999. Property Watch will only work for land records that are available in our application.

If you have questions, feel free to contact the Recorder’s Office at 812-285-6235 


Recording & Copying Fees

Effective January 1ST 2023 

Recording Fees

  • Mortgages (including Subordinate Mortgages) and re-recorded mortgages - $55.00
  • Deeds and all other instruments, including re-recorded instruments - $25.00
  • Mechanic’s Lien, including one mail out - $25.00 (Each additional mail out - $ 2.00)
  • Uniform Commercial Code (UCC including Continuation, Amendment, Assignment and search) - $25.00

Copying Fees

  • Copies 11” x 17” or smaller, per page - $ 1.00
  • Copies larger than 11” x 17”, per page  - $ 5.00
  • Certification of Document - $ 5.00

Contact the Recorder's Office

Steve Gill - Recorder
Phone: 812.285.6235

Jane White - Chief Deputy Recorder
Phone: 812.285.6235

Recorder’s Office Location

Clark Co Recorder
300 Corporate Drive
Room 102
Jeffersonville, IN 47130

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 4:30 pm



The primary duty of a County Surveyor is to establish and maintain Government corners of Sections and Grants. The Surveyor also serves on the Plan Commission and is an ex-officio member of the Drainage Board. The County Surveyor is an elected official and should be a licensed Surveyor by the State of Indiana. The Clark County Surveyor’s Office #1 goal is to serve our citizens. We maintain records of government corners, surveys, plats, maps, and drainage records. 

While the Surveyor’s Office keeps a record of surveys completed in the County, it does not perform surveys. For property owners seeking a Surveyor to complete a new survey, please reach out to one of the private surveying groups on the List of Local Surveyors below.

List of Local Surveyors who work in Clark County

Contact the Surveyor's Office

Please note our new office location

Clark County Government Building
300 Corporate Drive Room 206
Jeffersonville, IN 47130

Phone 812.285.6281

Office Hours 

Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed noon - 1pm for lunch)

Office Contacts

David J. Ruckman, PLS, Clark County Surveyor
Joshua Cassin - 1st Deputy Surveyor

Vic McCauley - 2nd Deputy Surveyor

Upcoming Meetings

Commissioners Meeting
02-13-2025 5:00 pm
Drainage Board Meeting
02-18-2025 5:00 pm
Department Head Meeting
02-19-2025 8:00 am
Commissioners Meeting
02-27-2025 5:00 pm
Department Head Meeting
03-05-2025 8:00 am
County Council Meeting
03-10-2025 6:00 pm
Commissioners Meeting
03-13-2025 5:00 pm

County Holidays

President's Day
02-17-2025 8:00 am
Good Friday
04-18-2025 8:00 am
Memorial Day
05-26-2025 8:00 am
Independence Day
07-04-2025 8:00 am
Labor Day
09-01-2025 8:00 am
Columbus Day
10-13-2025 8:00 am
Veterans Day
11-11-2025 8:00 am
Thanksgiving Day
11-27-2025 8:00 am

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