Courts of Clark County

The Clark Circuit and Superior Courts each have original jurisdiction to preside over all civil and criminal cases. However, by Local Rule, the cases are assigned as follows:


Presiding in the Clark Circuit Court No. 1 is:

Judge Nicholas A. Karaffa

  1. Murder, Class A, Class B, Class C. Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, or Level 5 felony offenses as the most serious charged offense filed during the months of February, April, June, August, October or December.
  1. Guardianship cases involving adults.
  1. Estate cases (supervised and unsupervised).
  1. Trust cases
  1. Clark County Tax Sale or Conservancy District cases.
  1. One-sixth of all Adoption cases.


Clark County Government Building and Courthouse
501 East Court Avenue
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130

Phone: (812) 285-6308
Fax: (812) 285-6283



Presiding in the Clark Circuit Court No. 2 are:

Judge Bradley B. Jacobs

Magistrate William Dawkins

  1. Class A, Class B, Class C. Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, or Level 6 felony offenses which include a charge related to Controlled Substances under Indiana Code 35-48 or Legend Drugs under Indiana Code 16-42.
  1. One-sixth of all Adoption cases.


Clark County Government Building and Courthouse
501 East Court Avenue
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130

Phone: (812) 285-6333
Fax: (812) 285-6380



Presiding in the Clark Circuit Court No. 3 are:

Judge N. Lisa Glickfield

Magistrate Jeffrey Branstetter

  1. All cases having a Class D or Level 6 felony as the most serious charge.
  1. All misdemeanor and felony cases which include a charge related to traffic or motor vehicles under Title 9, Chapter 30 (OWI) of the Indiana Code or Indiana Code 35-42-1 (Homicide related to OWI), with the exception that when a charge of Neglect of a Dependent is also filed. Neglect of a Dependent cases are filed in Clark Circuit Court No. 4.
  1. One-sixth of all Adoption cases.


Clark County Government Building and Courthouse
501 East Court Avenue
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130

Phone: (812) 285-6316
Fax: (812) 280-5662



Presiding in the Clark Circuit Court No. 4 are:

Judge Vicki L. Carmichael

Magistrate Lisa Garcia Reger

  1. Murder, Class A, Class B, Class C. Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, or Level 5 felony offenses as the most serious charged offense filed during the months of January, March, May, July, September or November.
  1. All cases which involve a misdemeanor or felony charge against a defendant alleged to be under the age of eighteen (18) at the time of the commission of the offense.
  1. All cases which include a charge of Neglect of a Dependent or Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor under Indiana Code 35-46-1-8 or Violation of Compulsory School Attendance under Indiana Code 20-33-2.
  1. All Juvenile Paternity cases.
  1. All Juvenile CHINS, Juvenile Status, Juvenile Termination of Parental Rights, and Juvenile Miscellaneous cases.
  1. Guardianship cases involving children.
  1. One-sixth of all Adoption cases.


Clark County Government Building and Courthouse
501 East Court Avenue
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130

Phone: (812) 285-6294
Fax: (812) 285-6258



Presiding in the Clark Superior Court No. 5 are:

Judge Abraham Navarro

Magistrate Andrew Adams

  1. Misdemeanor offenses, other than those involving OWI-related offenses.
  1. Traffic infraction (IF) and Ordinance Violation (OV) cases.
  1. All of the Domestic Relations (DC and DN) cases.
  1. One-sixth of all Adoption cases.


Clark County Government Building and Courthouse
501 East Court Avenue
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130

Phone: (812) 670-4949



Presiding in the Clark Superior Court No. 6 are:

Judge Kyle P. Williams

Magistrate William Dawkins

  1. All Mortgage Foreclosure, Civil Collection, Small Claims, and Eviction cases.
  1. All Civil Tort cases.
  1. All Civil Plenary cases.
  1. All Protective Order cases.
  1. All Reciprocal Support and Title IV-D child support cases.
  1. One-sixth of all Adoption cases.


Clark County Government Building and Courthouse
501 East Court Avenue
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130

Phone: (812) 670-4950



The Court Administrator serves as the Chief Administrative Officer for the Clark Circuit and Superior Courts.

R. Thomas Lowe

501 East Court Avenue
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130

Phone: (812) 207-2341






The Clark County, Indiana program operates under the name “CASA - The Voice of Clark County’s Children” and is a court program operating under the auspices of Clark County Circuit Court No. 4. Our mission is to promote and advocate for the best interests of a child involved in a neglect and abuse case in the court system of Clark County, Indiana​.

If you are interested in becoming a CASA volunteer, please click on the link below:

Shannon Holt
CASA Director
Phone: (812) 285-0743



The Adult Guardianship Program acts as guardian over the person only for those who have been ruled incapacitated and there is no one willing, capable, or suitable to so act on their behalf. The program utilizes volunteer advocates to insure proper care and safety. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer advocate, please click on the application link below:

Click here to apply to the Adult Guardianship Program

Dennis Royse
Program Director

501 East Court Avenue
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130

Phone: (812) 285-6383



Presiding in the Clarksville Town Court is:

Judge James Guilfoyle

All misdemeanor offenses occurring in Clarksville


Clarksville Town Court
2000 Broadway
Clarksville, Indiana 47129

Phone: (812) 283-1505
Fax: (812) 280-5548


Planning & Zoning Office


Please Note Our New Office Location - 300 Corporate Drive Room 208 Jeffersonville, IN 47130  


Clark County Unified Development Ordinance


Meeting SchedulesMeeting Schedules


Citizenserve Online Permitting Processes

We accept Residential Improvement applications and the Contractor trade applications via an online process. Please click on the link below for more information.

Click here to begin an online application


Make application to appear before the Plan Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals

Beginning October 1, 2024 applications for items that require approval by the Plan Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals will no longer be completed on the online permitting system. After this date application forms may be submitted in person or emailed to Eric Wise at .

Payment for submitted applications must be made in person by check or exact cash delivered to our office by 4:30 pm on the deadline date for submittal.


Indiana Citizen Planner GuideThe Plan Commission is hereby authorized to perform those duties and functions specified in Indiana Code, IC 36-7-4-400 et seq. and other applicable sections of Indiana Law and such other responsibilities as may be assigned to it from time to time by the Board of Commissioners of Clark County. The Plan Commission shall adopt written rules of procedure for the administration of the affairs of the Plan Commission and its staff for investigations and hearings. 

The Board of Zoning Appeals is hereby authorized to perform those duties and functions specified in Indiana Code 36-7-4-900 et seq. and other applicable sections of Indiana Law. The Board shall adopt written rules of procedure pertaining to the administration of this chapter and the conduct of hearings. The staff is authorized to take those lawful actions necessary to enforce the terms of Ordinance No. 17-2007 an ordinance adopting the Zoning Ordinance for Clark County, Indiana on behalf of the Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. The staff shall also have the authority to perform inspections to review applications, and to issue permits.

The Staff is authorized to make inspections of all lands located in the jurisdiction of the Plan Commission or to enforce the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. In order to execute inspections, the staff shall have the right to enter any premises, at any reasonable time, for the purpose of carrying out their duties in the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance. The staff is authorized to take any action authorized under Indiana Code IC 36-7-4 et seq. to correct such violations.

All building permits are issued through the Planning & Zoning office. 

Residential Building Code

On December 26, 2019, the state of Indiana adopted and enacted the 2018 IRC (International Residential Code) with the 2020 Indiana amendments. We have made the 2020 Indiana amendments available below and we also have a hard copy available for reference in our office. The 2018 IRC can be found at  (Indiana Association of Building Officials) or  (International Code Council) for reference and/or purchase.

There will be training opportunities in the near future to help explain the significant changes in the code and those can be found on as well. It should be noted,  any permits obtained after December 26, 2019, must subscribe to the new codes. Please contact our office if there are any questions.

2020 Indiana Residential Code (pdf)

Commercial & Residential Property Inspections

All inspections require 24 hour notification. There are always exceptions and we will work with those inspections on a case-by-case basis. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. To schedule an inspection please call the office at 812.285.6287 or email Eric Wise at

Clark County Flood Plain

Many portions of Clark County are in the Special Flood Hazard Area (floodplain) and these areas have particular guidelines and regulations which are enforced through Clark County Planning and Zoning, Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Our office enforces the Clark County Flood Ordinance, (which can be found in the downloadable documents at the bottom of this page) as well as DNR’s floodway regulations.

Residents of the unincorporated portions of Clark County may have questions about floodplains, such as:

  • Is my property in the floodplain?
  • Can I build in the floodplain?
  • Do I need flood insurance?
  • What is a LOMA (Letter of Map Amendment)?

We have added the following links to give our residents information regarding floodplain matters:

The above links will allow residents to view their properties and determine if they are in the floodplain, obtain information on the National Flood Insurance Plan (NFIP) and State permitting processes, receive applications for floodplain permits from DNR, and many other informative facets involving the Special Flood Hazard Area.

The Executive Director of Planning and Zoning also acts as the Floodplain Administrator for Clark County and is available to answer any questions and assist in creating floodplain mitigation plans for our residents whose properties happen to be in the Special Flood Hazard Area. Please see contact information for the Executive Director on this page.

Property Zoning Map

To determine the zoning for a piece of property in Clark County please contact the Clark County Planning and Zoning Office or follow the steps below to view the Clark County Zoning information. 

1. Click here to view the GIS website
2. Click on the tab on the right side of the page labeled “Map Contents”
3. Scroll down the list until you reach “Zoning – County”
4. This will add the zoning layer for the County. Use the “+” icon to access the dropdown legend.

Plan Commission Meetings

All regular meetings of the Commission will be held in the Meeting Chambers (Room 103) of the Clark County Government Center located at 300 Corporate Drive Jeffersonville, Indiana. If the date, time or place is changed, notice of such change shall appear in the Notice of Special Meetings. Please see the Plan Commission Meeting dates in the documents at the top of this page. 

Board of Zoning Appeals Meetings

All regular meetings of the Board of Zoning Appeals will be held in the Meeting Chambers (Room 103) of the Clark County Government Center located at 300 Corporate Drive Jeffersonville, Indiana. If the date, time or place is changed, notice of such change shall appear in the Notice of Special Meetings. Please see the Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting dates in the documents at the top of this page. 

Contact the Plan Commission Office 

Planning & Zoning Groundbreaking

Clark County Government Center
300 Corporate Drive Room 208
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
P 812.285.6287 

Planning and Zoning Staff Contacts

Eric M. Wise AICP – Executive Director

Jason Stanley – Building Commissioner

Stacy Gettings - Planning Coordinator

Planning Commission Board Members

  • Connie Sellers - President
  • Bart Meyer - Vice President
  • Wally Estes
  • Guy Guernsey
  • Erin Cassady
  • David Ruckman, Surveyor
  • Larry Bison
  • Eric Morris
  • David Abbott

Board of Zoning Appeals Board Members

  • Bart Meyer - Co-Chairman
  • John Eurton
  • Kimberly S. Baker - Chairman
  • Guy Guernsey
  • William Broughton

Additional Planning & Zoning Resources

Clark County Indiana Community Corrections 

"Where Positive Change is Expected, and Personal Accountability is a Guarantee."

Clark County Community Corrections was established in 2002 under Indiana Code 11-12-2-2. Community Corrections Advisory Board observes and coordinates community corrections programs as well as financial spending in the county in addition to other duties outlined under IC 11-23-2-3.  The Advisory Board consists of several statutorily appointed members and other members appointed by the Executive Body IC 11-12-2-2.  The board provides everyone who has a stake in the program's success to have input. All employment and components, MAST, Day Reporting, and Home Detention, will be terminated if funding from the Indiana Department of Corrections ends.

Clark County Community Corrections does not receive any funding from the Clark County government and operates off of grant monies (approximately $694,000) from the Indiana Department of Corrections and funds collected from our clients. All employees, benefits and costs of operating are paid for out of the grant and user fees.  The daily cost for one offender at the Department of Corrections is approximately $56.88 a day to house.  Diverting offenders from the Department of Corrections to the Community Corrections program saves tax payers money.  In the 2012-2013 Annual Report, the approximate savings of $2,319,798- $639,870.71 (grant monies received) = $1,679,927.29 savings to the tax payers.  Since Community Corrections serves pre-trial, misdemeanants and felonies it saves both the state and the county money.

The main goals of Community Corrections are public safety and rehabilitation through the use of the risk/needs assessment. The risk level and needs are addressed using the eight effective principles of supervision in an effort to reduce recidivism. Studies have shown that offenders are less likely to re offend if they are able to maintain employment.

Community Corrections can serve: Felonies, Misdemeanors and Pre-trial

If a court, prosecutor or attorney is considering Community Corrections as a sentencing option please contact the Intake Coordinator to have an assessment completed.  All decisions concerning sentencing are at the courts discretion.

The Clark County Community Corrections Program provides cost-effective, evidence based treatment-focused alternative sentencing options to the local Courts such as: 

Day Reporting:

Target Population: Adults who are either pre or post-conviction, for a non-violent felony or habitual misdemeanant offenders who have violated their conditions of probation or who are out on bond.

Purpose: This program provides a level of supervision rather than just releasing a person on their own recognizance or as an alternative to probation.

Program Involvement:

1. Clients submit to initial and follow up “risk assessment” to determine needs to be incorporated into their treatment plan.

2. Clients submit to random drug and alcohol testing at their own cost.

3. Clients pay an initial fee of $50.00 and a weekly fee of $25.00.

4. Clients will report to Community Corrections staff, and will follow a “step down” reporting schedule based on client compliance with program rules though the duration of the program.

5. Clients will follow the treatment plan recommendations made by the Case Manager as outlined from the assessment (substance abuse counseling, employment, education, cognitive behavior programming, etc.). 

Home Detention:

Target Population: Adults who are either pre or post-conviction, for a non-violent felony or habitual misdemeanant. Clients can be referred as a term of probation, direct placement, as a condition of bond or offenders with medical conditions that are better served at a location other than the Clark County Jail.

Purpose: This program provides an increased level of supervision for those clients who have a higher risk of re-offending or who need closer supervision than probation can offer or at the recommendation of the Prosecutor or presiding Judge. Client’s whereabouts will be monitored 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for the entirety of their participation through the use of a GPS anklet.

Program Involvement:

1. Clients submit to initial and follow up “risk assessment” to determine needs to be incorporated into their treatment plan.

2. Clients submit to random drug and alcohol testing at their own cost.

3. Clients pay an initial fee of $100 and a daily fee of $12.00.

4. Clients will report to Community Corrections staff as directed, and will follow a rewards/sanction matrix based on client’s compliance with program rules though the duration of the program.

5. Clients will follow the treatment plan recommendations made by the Home Detention Officer as outlined from the assessment (substance abuse counseling, employment, education, cognitive behavior programming, etc.). 

Community Transition Program(CTP):

Target Population: Adults who are currently in a facility operated by the Indiana Department of Corrections (IDOC). This program is designed to allow these persons the opportunity to serve the last 1-6 months (see below) of their Court ordered sentence back in the community to allow for a transition period prior to the commencement of their probation/parole thereby making for a smoother transition from prison back to the community.

  • Persons convicted of a Class D Felony may serve up to the last 60 days of their sentence.
  • Persons convicted of a Class C Felony may serve up to the last 120 days of their sentence.
  • Persons convicted of a Class A or B Felony may serve up to the last 180 days of their sentence.

Program Involvement:

1. Clients submit to initial and follow up “risk assessment” to determine needs to be incorporated into their treatment plan.

2. Clients submit to random drug and alcohol testing at their own cost.

3. Clients pay a daily fee of $10.50 (The IDOC pays a portion of the client’s fees).

4. Clients will follow the treatment plan recommendations made by the Case Manager as outlined from the assessment (substance abuse counseling, employment, education, cognitive behavior programming, etc.).

5. Clients are responsible for their own transportation, meals and medical care while in the program.  

The purpose of the Community Corrections program is to assist the Indiana Department of Correction in fulfilling its mission by establishing and operating community corrections programs that prevent crime while diverting low risk offenders from the Indiana Department of Correction, and providing programs for committed offenders and/or persons ordered to participate in community corrections as a condition of probation. These programs allow our clients to serve their Court ordered sentences here locally in the community where they can work and pay taxes and support their families instead of just occupying a bed in the County Jail or the State’s Prison system at the tax payers’ expense. We use evidence based practices to motivate our clients to exhibit pro-social behavior and by addressing their risks to re-offend try to reduce recidivism. 

Contact Clark County Community Corrections

Clark County Community Corrections
501 E Court Ave., Room 131
Jeffersonville, IN 47130

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
(Contact for general information- Staff cannot give out specific client information)

P 812.258.2569
F 812.258.2864

Office Contacts  

Galadriel Ballard - Assistant Director
P 812.258.2854

Crystal Taylor - Assessment Contact
P 812.258.2855

Upcoming Meetings

Commissioners Meeting
02-13-2025 5:00 pm
Drainage Board Meeting
02-18-2025 5:00 pm
Department Head Meeting
02-19-2025 8:00 am
Commissioners Meeting
02-27-2025 5:00 pm
Department Head Meeting
03-05-2025 8:00 am
County Council Meeting
03-10-2025 6:00 pm
Commissioners Meeting
03-13-2025 5:00 pm

County Holidays

President's Day
02-17-2025 8:00 am
Good Friday
04-18-2025 8:00 am
Memorial Day
05-26-2025 8:00 am
Independence Day
07-04-2025 8:00 am
Labor Day
09-01-2025 8:00 am
Columbus Day
10-13-2025 8:00 am
Veterans Day
11-11-2025 8:00 am
Thanksgiving Day
11-27-2025 8:00 am

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